Today, I'm going to do a lightning fast beer review of
Dieu Du Ciel's Peche Mortel. We picked up a bottle after hearing that it was the best coffee beer that's brewed, to go along with Mere's Coffee beer phase. This beer checks in at 9.5% ABV and pours pure black into a glass. There would be little natural head, but I poured a bit aggressively to bring out a nice creamy brown head of about half an inch. First smell is very deceptive: it was sweet and a tad bitter but very "bright." I didn't know what to expect at all from the smell. I've had a decent amount of coffee beers lately because she's been going through her phase, and this one smelled was completely different than all of them. After pouring and agitating the ingredients, it evens out a lot more with a nice roasty smell. The taste is a perfect balance of stout and coffee - not too bitter, not too strong. The coffee taste is a nice substitution for hops for providing a bite. As it warms, it only gets more rich, roasty and creamy. It's nice and heavy on the tongue, as you'd expect from a limited release high octane imperial stout. All in all, very very good beer. I'd even go so far as to say I enjoyed this more than an Oaked Espresso Imperial Yeti I had a few nights before.
My rating: 9/10
Poured: Snifter - Aggressive
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